


14:00-14:05 : Introduction
14:05-14:35 : Heather Cegla & Raphaëlle Haywood, "Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Working Group Findings and Recommendations: tackling intrinsic stellar variability in Sun-like stars" (invited review)
14:35-15:00 : Alejandro Suárez Mascareño, "Impact of stellar variability on radial velocities for M dwarfs" (invited review)
15:00-15:15 : Ansgar Reiners, "The Sun as a benchmark for radial-velocity observations" (invited review)
15:15-15:30 : Sophia Sulis, "Contemporaneous photometric and spectroscopic stellar granulation signals seen by CHEOPS and ESPRESSO"
15:30-15:45 : Dainis Dravins, "Solar photospheric spectrum microvariability. Theoretical and observational searches for proxies of radial-velocity jittering"
15:45-16:00 : Florian Liebing, "A novel, robust approach to directly determine the strength of convective blueshift"

16:00-16:30 : Coffee break

16:30-16:45 : Marina Lafarga Magro, "Sensitivity to activity of M dwarf spectral lines"
16:45-17:00 : Guillem Anglada, "Using model-driven machine learning to detrend high precision Doppler measurements"
17:00-17:15 : Oscar Barrágan, "On the use of multidimensional Gaussian Process to model stellar signals"
17:15-18:00 : Panel discussion


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